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Witnessing ‘The Fleetwood Mac Songbook’ live in action is like capturing a little sprinkling of stardust: if you close your eyes, Oliver could easily be Nicks … and Claire-Fox ‘Christine McVie’ Thomas has a vocal powerful enough to raise goosebumps.’
Kelly Scanlon – Far Out Magazine.
‘Welcome to our little soiree …’
Join us for a tribute celebration spanning six decades of Fleetwood Mac’s stellar career !
From the UK Blues of the ‘Peter Green’ era through to the multi million selling West Coast rock of ‘Rumours’ and the lush 80’s production that was ‘Tango In The Night’ – plus everything in between and after – it’s all here, the hits, the Music and the Magic of Fleetwood Mac.
Expect to hear ‘Go Your Own Way’, ‘Don’t Stop’, ‘Little Lies’, ‘Songbird’, ‘Dreams’, Formula One theme song ‘The Chain’, ‘Oh Well’, ‘Tusk’, plus many more.
This is a non-stop, hit packed show and a concert designed to get you on your feet and keep you there.
We look forward to seeing you soon…
Never Break The Chain