Nominations are now being accepted for Inverclyde Council’s Pride of Inverclyde Awards 2024.
The awards recognise public service employees and teams who go above and beyond to improve the lives of Inverclyde residents.
Residents and fellow employees can now nominate an individual or team they feel deserves special recognition.
The awards are open to staff working across all council services, including those delivered by the health and social care partnership (HSCP).
Louise Long, chief executive of Inverclyde Council, said: “All our staff – Council and Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) – work hard to support residents and make a difference in our communities every day.
“The Pride of Inverclyde Awards is a chance for the council as an employer to celebrate the dedication and professionalism of our employees but also for the residents we serve to acknowledge an individual or team that has gone above and beyond.
“I would like to invite colleagues and members of the public to nominate any service or individual who they feel deserves some special recognition for the work they do.”
Four awards categories open to staff and the public.

There will also be special awards chosen by the Chief Executive and Provost plus Long Service Awards.
Councillor Stephen McCabe, leader of Inverclyde Council, said: “Staff right across the council and HSCP are delivering the highest standard of service possible while facing increasing pressures.
“They regularly go beyond the call of duty to help support residents and help make Inverclyde the best possible place to live, work, visit, and do business and these awards are an opportunity to celebrate those dedicated and hard-working employees.”
The Pride of Inverclyde Awards categories are:
Team of the Year
Nominations in this category will acknowledge and recognise a team that has demonstrated excellence in quality, innovation, productivity or collaborative working and has delivered a clear benefit to the Council.
Employee of the Year
This award recognises employees who have gone the extra mile in delivering exceptional service.
Outstanding Achievement
Nominations for this award recognise individuals and teams whose commitment, dedication or creativity has resulted in a unique contribution being made to benefit Inverclyde.
Excellence in Innovation in Service Delivery
In this category we are looking for individual employees or a team who have submitted an idea or suggestion that has gone on to be implemented, resulting in improved service and performance for our customers or employees.
In addition there are two additional awards handpicked by the Chief Executive of Inverclyde Council and the Provost.
The Chief Executive’s Award recognises an individual or team who have identified or delivered more efficient services for Inverclyde Council.
The Provost’s Award is to recognise an individual or team who he personally feels has made a noticeable improvement in delivering public services on behalf of Inverclyde Council.
Nominations are now being accepted via a fast and easy online form until Friday 24 May 2024.
To put an individual or team forward for an award, Please Click Here.