On 8 May 1945 people across Europe celebrated the end of the Second World War – a conflict that devasted millions of families and destroyed towns, cities and communities. 2025 marks the 80th anniversary of VE (Victory in Europe) Day and we’re inviting the residents of Inverclyde to contribute their own family stories to the wider commemorations.
Do you have a relative who served in the war? Were stories told to you of how your family celebrated VE Day? Do you have photographs of people, medals or mementos you’d be willing to share?
The photographs we receive will contribute to our record of Inverclyde’s wartime experience. We plan to share these on our social media platforms and during commemoration events. Photographs will not be used in any other way without the express permission of the contributor.
You can share your photographs and an accompanying story caption (no more than 50 words) by email by 16 April: library.central@inverclyde.gov.uk
Or you can drop into a Library as follows to do so:
• Monday 14th April: Gourock Library- 4.30-6.30pm
• Tuesday 15th April: Central Library- 2-4pm
• Wednesday 16th April: Port Glasgow Library 10am-12noon
If you need help to digitise your photograph, or you have a medal or memento you’d like us to photograph, the Library staff can assist you at the noted times.
We look forward to hearing from you.